Privacy Policy

Effective Date: January 2024

Data Controllers

When you download the Btaregak App and/or B-Captain App, Btaregak will be the data controller for the Personal Data provided during the registration process and other personal data you provide directly for your personal account in order to use the Btaregak App.

Collection of Information

Depending on the Services you are accessing or using, we collect and use:

A. Information You Provide to Us

Whether you are an End User or a Captain, you are solely responsible for the accuracy of the information you provide, and Btaregak App will only modify or update your Personal Data upon your request.

The Personal Data collected in these processes may include your:

  • name
  • phone number
  • location address
  • images, including photos submitted to verify your identity such as through facial verification
  • identification card (copy) and the information included on it
  • driving license (copy) and the information included on it
  • other information which we reasonably require or that you choose to provide

B. Information We Collect Through use of Our Services

We use GPS technology to determine your current location. For Captains, GPS technology may be used when the Btaregak application is running in the background and foreground, when the Captain is online. For End Users, GPS technology will only be used when the Btaregak application is active in the foreground of your phone’s applications or during a Trip.

Some of our location-enabled Services require your Personal Data for the feature to work. By accepting the terms of this Privacy Notice you are agreeing to the use of GPS technology when relevant to the use of our Services. Use of GPS is a setting that you can switch on and off from your phone device settings at any time.

Use of Personal Data

We may use Personal Data collected in the manners described above to:

  • Provide, maintain, and improve our Services
  • Alter, modify, reorder, augment or otherwise use search results from Google Maps/Earth services to improve location services.
  • Perform internal administration and operations, including to conduct data analysis, testing, and research; to monitor and analyze - usage and activity trends; and to troubleshoot software bugs and operational problems
  • Send or facilitate communications (i) between End Users and Captains, such as the order address, type of order, quantity of order …etc, or (ii) at your direction, between you and a contact of yours in connection with your use of certain features, such as referrals or invites

We may use Personal Data collected in the manners described above to:

  • In certain regions, using information derived from the Captain’s license photos, and other photos submitted to Btaregak , for safety and security purposes. This includes a real-time ID feature, which prompts you to share a selfie before going online or while online to help ensure that the individual using our app matches the Captain account we have on file. This also includes comparing photographs that we have on file against photographs (i) of other users to prevent identity-borrowing, and (ii) from public databases to verify user identity

Sharing of Personal Data

We don’t share any data to third parties technologies or from end user to captain applications.

Storage of Personal Data

We will store and retain your Personal Data for the period of time necessary for the purpose for which the data has been collected, unless the nature of the purpose changes in which case the retention period may be extended or shortened.

Apart from the purposes for which we collect your Personal Data, we also store and retain this Personal Data to preserve the integrity of our databases, to carry out on-going Services on your behalf, for research, analytics and statistics purposes and to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Following an account deletion request (where warranted in accordance with the data subject rights referred to below), we will erase or archive from active use the Personal Data of the individual to which the requirement or request relates, unless we are required to retain it due to legal or regulatory requirements, for purposes of safety, security, and fraud prevention, or because of an issue relating to your account such as an unresolved claim or dispute.

Your Choices

Device permissions

Most mobile device platforms (iOS, Android, etc.) have defined certain types of device data that apps cannot access without the device owner’s permission. Different platforms have different methods for how that permission can be obtained. Please check the available settings on your device or check with your provider.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

We may change this Privacy Notice from time to time. If we make significant changes in the way we treat your Personal Data, or to the Privacy Notice, we will provide you notice through the Services or by some other means, such as email or a push notification. To the extent permitted by Applicable Law, your continued use of the Services after such notice constitutes your consent to the changes to the extent permitted by law. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Notice for the latest information on our privacy practices.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments and requests related to this Privacy Notice, or if you have any questions about how Btaregak app processes your Personal Data, please contact us by email: